
Youngstown Times

Friday, February 21, 2025

Organization Directory

Political Committees

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17th District Mondale Delegate Committee

Alberty for Congress

Antonoff for Congress

Bill Johnson for Congress Committee

Bob Hagan for Senate

Bryan Taafe for Congress

Cadle for Congress Committee

Campaign to Elect Nakia Anthony for President

Carney for Congress Committee

Charles L Partee

Chris Depizzo for Congress

Citizens To Elect Paul H Alberty To Congress

Commercial Intertech Corp. PAC

Committee To Elect Cory McCusker; The

Committee To Elect Diane T Di Carlo Murphy Us Representative To Congress Sixth District

Committee To Elect Lou A D'Apolito To Congress

Committee to Elect Michael S. Morgenstern

Committee To Elect Tom Maskell

Committee To Elect Traficant President

D'apolito for Congress